
HANGMAN (Guess the word)

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Points: 0 | Total Win Count: 0 | Total Lose Count: 0

How to Play Hangman: Simple Steps


  • One player thinks of a word and draws blank spaces for each letter.
  • Draw a gallows for the hangman figure.


  • The player gives a hint by filling in some blanks based on the difficulty level:
    • Easy: Fill in several letters.
    • Medium: Fill in a few letters.
    • Hard: Fill in one or no letters.


  • Players take turns guessing letters.
  • If a guessed letter is in the word, write it in the correct spaces.
  • If a guessed letter is not in the word, draw a part of the hangman.


  • Players win if they guess the word before the hangman is fully drawn.
  • The game ends if the hangman is fully drawn before the word is guessed.